Basil Perennial
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Native to India, Sri Lanka, Java and tropical America and Africa. Insect repellent perennial that contains predominantly Eugenol, which gives it the clove smell.
Growing Tips
This quick growing herb likes fertile moist soil.
The leaves of this herb are best used when fresh and they can be chopped or just torn and added to the dishes. The right time to add the leaves is towards the end of preparing a dish so as to retain their flavour. The herb is used in sauces and soups of the local African cuisines. Stir-fried dishes, sautées, chicken and other meat dishes are flavoured with this herb.
Herb Attributes
Harvest Harvest regularly and give regular applications of Seasol and Power Feed to keep the plant healthy and producing well. Prune back in late summer if bush gets too large.
Position Part to Full Sun. Will grow in any herb garden and large pots. Will survive most mild winters but not severe or sudden cold snaps.
Height 2m
Width 1m
Lifespan Perennial
Growing Tips
This quick growing herb likes fertile moist soil.
The leaves of this herb are best used when fresh and they can be chopped or just torn and added to the dishes. The right time to add the leaves is towards the end of preparing a dish so as to retain their flavour. The herb is used in sauces and soups of the local African cuisines. Stir-fried dishes, sautées, chicken and other meat dishes are flavoured with this herb.
Herb Attributes
Harvest Harvest regularly and give regular applications of Seasol and Power Feed to keep the plant healthy and producing well. Prune back in late summer if bush gets too large.
Position Part to Full Sun. Will grow in any herb garden and large pots. Will survive most mild winters but not severe or sudden cold snaps.
Height 2m
Width 1m
Lifespan Perennial
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