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An attractive small herb with pale pink flowers and soft green foliage that makes an attractive edging plant for the herb garden.
Flavours/Food Partners
Savory, rosemary, thyme, garlic and marjoram. Strong meats such as lamb and venison along with root vegetables and aubergines.
All forms of Oregano have a strong flavour when fresh, dried or used in dressings and marinades. Meat dishes can be greatly improved by using a marinade of Renaissance BBQ herbs. Blend one or more of the following herbs, to taste; Greek oregano, BBQ thyme, rosemary and lemon verbena. Add to the marinade: 2 tblsp olive oil, 1 tblspn lemon juice, 1 clove crushed garlic. Soak meat in marinade for one hour or more then baste regularly whilst cooking.
Plant in dry, well drained spots with full sun and good air movement. It needs little water and does not respond well to low light or heavy wet soils.
Regular applications of Seasol and PowerFeed in spring and autumn will keep the plant healthy and growing well.
Herb Attributes
Height 50CM
Width 55CM
Flavours/Food Partners
Savory, rosemary, thyme, garlic and marjoram. Strong meats such as lamb and venison along with root vegetables and aubergines.
All forms of Oregano have a strong flavour when fresh, dried or used in dressings and marinades. Meat dishes can be greatly improved by using a marinade of Renaissance BBQ herbs. Blend one or more of the following herbs, to taste; Greek oregano, BBQ thyme, rosemary and lemon verbena. Add to the marinade: 2 tblsp olive oil, 1 tblspn lemon juice, 1 clove crushed garlic. Soak meat in marinade for one hour or more then baste regularly whilst cooking.
Plant in dry, well drained spots with full sun and good air movement. It needs little water and does not respond well to low light or heavy wet soils.
Regular applications of Seasol and PowerFeed in spring and autumn will keep the plant healthy and growing well.
Herb Attributes
Height 50CM
Width 55CM
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